Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 20: Concerts you've attended

I'm not sure that the concerts this prompt is speaking of are the ones I'm going to list, because I don't really like big crowded venues.

-Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
-Handel's Messiah at the Kennedy Center
-High school band and choir concerts

However, 5 artists I would risk my comfort for to see them perform in person:

1) Rhonda Vincent
2) Harry Connick, Jr
3) Josh Turner
4) Ben Folds
5) Alison Kraus

Day 19: A list of all the places you've lived

1. Albuquerque, NM
2. Ramah, NM
3. Charlottesville, VA
4. Provo, UT
5. Chino, CA
6. Arcadia, CA
7. Roland Heights, CA
8. La Crescenta, CA
9. Cambridge, MA
10. Somerville, MA
11. Hudson, MA
12. Baltimore, MD

Day 18: Name the TV show you have become addicted to

Well, unfortunately my absolute favorite show, BBC's Sherlock, has only 9 episodes and a mini-episode, and I watch them all the time. I laugh at the scenes as they play through my head. Sometimes that worries my mom.

Day 17: What do you want to be when you get older?

Comfortable enough to retire.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16: If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time on earth?

I don't know what I would do, but I can definitely tell things I would not do...

1) Case Notes for my client sessions
2) Test my blood sugar
3) Watch TV (maybe a movie, but nothing on cable or local channels...they would all be focusing on the end of the world, which is dumb because there would be nothing anyone could do about it)
4) Clean anything
5) Return phone calls, emails, texts, etc
6) Go on social media (I would hate to see all the tweets and status updates the day before the world ends)

I think I would probably just get together with my family to watch a favorite movie, play some games, and eat our favorite meals.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 15: A photo of someone you fancy at the moment

Um, this is a little redundant, and I'm sure you all know who I fancy at the moment, so I shall fill this post with delightful pictures of him. You're Welcome.




Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 13: Three confessions of your choice

1) I talk to myself when I'm alone in my car or getting ready for bed as if I'm talking to another person, imagining what they would say in response, and then responding to what they say.

2) Once, when I was much younger, I went to a candy store with my dad and accidentally cough my gum out into a barrel of jelly beans.

3) I often pickup behaviors from my students/clients that were never part of my usual behaviors before working with them.

Day 14: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes

Okay, this is the post I've been waiting for. Being currently single, yet quite full of the usual desires of a 34 year old woman, I definitely have crushes on some celebrities. Those of you who know me even a little can probably guess at least one or two, but here they are:

5. Neil Patrick Harris

Yes, I know he's gay...but he was my first celebrity crush ever since the first episode of Doogie Howser. And, come on...he can sing, dance, smile. What's not to love?

4. Josh Turner

His beautiful baritone voice sings romantic, upbeat, and gospel. My heart can't help but flutter when he hits those low notes below the music staff.

3. Jason Segel

Totally goofy and awkward. Would completely fulfill my second favorite quote, "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." (Dr. Seuss)

2. David Tennant

Uh, the smile, the hair, the accent, the snarkiness. Love it all.

1. Benedict Cumberbatch

When you have over 1,175 pictures of someone pinned on your "Unrequited" Pinterest board, how do you choose the picture you want to post on your "Celebrity Crushes" post? So charming, a complete goofball, and yet an amazing actor. He has played such different roles, and I have yet to see him do a bad job.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 12: Screenshot your desktop

I use a Chromebook, so the only thing on my desktop is the wallpaper. Elephants are my favorite animal, so I was very excited that my Samsung Chromebook had a baby elephant picture in its wallpaper options.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 11: What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote comes from Mark Twain:

Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 10: If you could only live off of one food and one beverage for the rest of your days, what would they be?

Okay, so the operative word in this question is "could". As I started to think about my answer, I started thinking about the reasons why I couldn't live off of certain foods. But if what ever I ate or drank would give me all the nutrition I needed, no matter what it was, and I wouldn't get sick of it or satiated with the taste, I would have to say I would live off of homemade baked mac and cheese and Pom-Zero (a drink I have only found offered at Mimi's Cafe that combines pomegranate juice with Sprite Zero).

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9: Pet Peeves

Lots of things annoy me. I am slightly OCD, so I'm sure that has something to do with it, but here are things that get on my nerves the most:

1) People driving under the speed limit (especially those who slow down to under the speed limit when they see a cop car)

2) One Uppers (people who have always done something more than you and must let you know it)

3) Things being on the wrong rung/shelf/space in a store (don't just put things back willy-nilly; I have been known to rearrange products that are in the wrong place in certain stores)

4) Lateness (I am usually early to events, sometimes far too early)

5) People talking during musical numbers (whether it be the overture to a movie or play, or a number in church; just because there is no speaking doesn't mean it's okay for you to talk)

6) People in a drive-thru who don't have their money ready when they get to the window (you mean we've been waiting for that huge order to be done for 5+ minutes, and you couldn't get out your credit card; also, people who place large orders at drive-thrus)

7) Stores where the express lane is 20 items or less (that is not express)

8) Obnoxiously loud people, especially teenagers

9) When Pinterest says there are New Pins, and it's just ones that I have pinned (If I pinned it, it's not new!!)

Day 8: Three things you want to say to different people

1) To the members of the Federal Government:
           How do you sleep at night? You have twisted the intentions of government to serve only yourselves. Never did the founding fathers desire that being a representative of the people be a career. Having changed your positions to this, instead of going back to a regular career, has made you forget what it's like to work for your survival. Your salaries are unreal, and your compensation after you leave office is ridiculous. You rob the people of life and liberty by using their money to fund your retirements. You say your actions are to help the people of this country, but truly there is more suffering than ever before.

2) To Kid President:
           Mr. Kid President, You Rock! What an example to the adults of this country. I know you have your struggles, but your attitude to "Keep dancing!" is an inspiration to us all. Thanks for the laughs and for the thought provoking questions you ask us adults to think about so that we can be kinder to each other. ANd yes, it's "Dia-bee-tees", not "Dia-bee-tus".

3) To Jim Henson:
          Thank you for a wonderful childhood. Your characters helped me understand the world, both good and bad, better that almost anything else. The Dark Crystal is still one of my favorite movies. It demonstrates that good and evil must both exist, and that we must choose which we let grow. Sesame Street was a staple in our home. It made learning the basic childhood skills so fun and gave me friends to have with me for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7: Do you read? What are your favorite books?

Do I read? That is the silliest question I've ever encountered. While I'm sure that there was a time when I couldn't read, I don't really remember not loving books. And how can one choose favorite books. Influential books, maybe, and I guess there are some I read over and over and never tire of, so I'll list those.

1. Pickle Chiffon Pie

This adorable picture book was given to me on my fourth birthday by a friend from church. It is my favorite picture book because of it's unlikely hero who shows compassion to to an animal that would have secured his fame. The story and illustrations are so fun, any kid would love to hear this story over and over again.

2. The Mystery at Number Seven Rue Petite

Another favorite picture book from my childhood. My grandfather and I used to play that he was Jean-Pierre and I was Isabella, running a restaurant, but solving mysteries along the way. The silliness of the story and pictures sprung my imagination.

3. Hatchet

This is the first book I remember having to read for school, but also liking. I read the assignments without falling behind, and I think I might have actually finished before we were supposed to. Watching this young boy figure out how to survive on his own in the Canadian wilderness fascinated me.

4. Ender's Game

I read this book every few years. The first time I read it I was fourteen and finishing 8th grade. I loved seeing how a kid was the one who was going to save the world. I didn't understand all the subtext of the book at that time, but that's why I reread it every few years.

5. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

This was the first non-fiction book I truly enjoyed. Learning about the different things a human cadaver is used for, though creepy, was intriguing and the book made me want to learn about the different ways other things were used and piqued my interest in non-fiction.

6. The Gate to Women's Country

This has been my mother's favorite fiction book for as long as I can remember. When I finally read it, I understood why. It gave me insight into male/female relationships that I could truly relate to and understand. It helped me better understand man and woman's innate characteristics, and the strength both genders can have if they work together.

7. "C" is for Cupcake
"C" Is for Cupcake.
This book is only influential because it is the first novel I ever read. It was in second grade and I was so proud to have read a book with chapters and no pictures.

8. Writing Down the Bones

Everyone who wants to write needs to read this book. Goldberg explains what it means to be a writer and what it takes to satisfy the writer within yourself. I go back to it often to just get some encouragement when my writing seems to be stagnant.

9. Emma's Pet

My parent's donated this book in my name to the school library when I was in elementary school. I don't know if it became a favorite because I liked seeing the bookplate explaining the donation, or if I liked it so much that that is why they donated it, but it was read frequently during my childhood.

10. It's Kind of a Funny Story

If you have ever felt the affects of depression in your life, this book will help you know you are not alone. The writer does a great job describing the thoughts and feelings a person with depression experiences.